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EWMA Document Management of patients with Venous Leg Ulcers - Challenges and Current Best Practice
From paper to patient: Applying new best practice recommendations for venous leg ulcer management
EWMA & ESVS Webinar: Lower leg ulcer diagnostics and treatment
EWMA 2014 - Home Care Wound Care - What are the challenges, what can be done? - (4) G. Gethin
EWMA Wound Curriculum for Nurses
Recruitment underway for VenUS-6 trial on venous leg ulcer treatments
EWMA 2014 - Vascular Wounds: Ulcers with Venous Origins - (1) A. Jawien
WEBINAR: Venous Leg Ulcers and Conditions Affecting the Lower Limb
Venous Stasis and Leg Ulcers
EWMA 2014 - Home Care Wound Care - What are the challenges, what can be done? - (5) A. Hopkins
Webinar Leg Ulcers - Breaking Through Hard to Heal Wounds
BioMonde LIVE | Venous Ulceration with Dr Leanne Atkin | Vascular Webinar Series